The Professional Pet Sitting Diploma is a must for anyone wanting to set up their own business as a Professional Pet Sitter. 

The course is a comprehensive catalog of essential information to be a successful pet sitter. The course consists of 2 modules.

  • Module 1 consists of 9 chapters covering everything you need to know to set up and run your own business, including information on business planning, insurance, UK legislation and legal aspects, marketing and documentation. Module 1 can be studied separately by signing up for our Pet Business Certificate course.
  • Module 2 consists of 10 chapters covering everything you need to know about the realities of being a pet sitter and care and welfare guidance for a range of pet species, including dogs, cats, small mammals and reptiles. This module also includes a brief introduction to Pet First Aid. Module 2 can be studied separately by signing up for our Pet Sitting Certificate course.

There are multiple-choice questions throughout the course to check your knowledge and understanding.

Active learning

Lecture 1.1The realities of being a pet sitter
2 days
Lecture 1.2Knowing how to confidently and effectively administer CPR to an animal is essential
3 days

Administer CPR

Lecture 2.1how to recognise the different types of collapse and unconsciousness
4 days
Lecture 2.2how to confidently administer CPR to a pet animal
5 days

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  • Address: 1826 Locust Street, Bainbridge
  • Phone: +7 345 5559
  • Email: